Deploy NodeJS APP Using Docker in EC2

Akshay Krison
8 min readMar 24, 2022


“Developer Friendly Deployment Doc’s”

This article is focused on the deployment of NodeJs Application in AWS EC2 using Containerization by Docker in development mode.

Prerequisites to Proceed Further

  1. Basic in NodeJs
  2. Basic in Linux Commands [Am describing based on Linux Machine]
  3. Basic in Dockers and Its Build,Push command
  4. Docker Hub Account
  5. Basic in AWS EC2

Create and Dockerize Your NodeJs Application

You need a Basic NodeJs App to do this for that, create a nodejs app following the below

create a folder here am creating a folder of name node-ec2, inside that open terminal and run the bellow command,

npm init

after running the npm init you can saw a file named package,json edit the file and add the below line code inside the scripts section as the below image shows

"start": "node index.js",

Then run the below command,

npm install express --save

which install the npm modules, Then next you have to create a index.js file and add the below sample code

const express = require('express');const app = express();const port = 3000;app.get("/", (req, res) => {res.send("<h1> NodeJS Demo Docker Apllication Successfully Deployed</h1>");});app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`));

You can run npm start, if you want to check the code is working perfectly or not

Next we want to Containerize the application using docker for that you need to install the docker in your system by referring the below link

Click To Install Docker

After successful installation you need to create a Dockerfile in your root of the source code as shown below image

FROM node:16-alpineWORKDIR /appCOPY package.json .RUN npm installRUN npm install pm2 -gCOPY . ./ENV PORT 4000EXPOSE $PORTCMD ["pm2-runtime", "start", "index.js", "--name", "node-ec2"]

and save the code which Named asDockerfile” and run the below command to build the docker image

docker build -t akshaykrisondevops/node-ec2 .

where am giving a tag name to the image of akshaykrisondevops/node-ec2 since my dockerhub username is akshaykrisondevops and node-ec2 indicate the project name, Then wait until the build complete and give a success message like the below image,

Then you can check the build-ed image by running the below docker command

docker images

In that you can saw the two images one is for node 16-alpine official image and another one is for our NodeJs Application image which is named as akshaykrisondevops/node-ec2 [name is given by tag]

Then you have to check the build-ed image is working perfectly or not by simply run the image using the docker run command

docker run -p 3000:3000 -d akshaykrisondevops/node-ec2

which run the docker and show an out put like this

Next we have to check the running Containers for that run the command below to list the active conatienrs

docker ps

If you get like the above images you All set, You have successfully build and run your project using the docker container now we can check the docker container is running by typing localhost:3000 in your browser, since my project running on port 3000 i have to run 3000.

Create an Account in DockerHub

You can simply create a dockerHub account using the DokcerHub Signup

After the Signup login to the Account and click on the Repositories and Click on the Create Repository to create a new docker repository

Then you will get a screen like above in that the Point 1 you have to add a name to your repository here i given my project name as node-ec2 and the 2nd Point make your project in private mode that is only you can view or update the project and click on the last one to create a repository

After all step you will get a page like above Next you have to push the build-ed docker image to DockerHub for that you have to login the docker CLI using your terminal

docker login

run the above command in your terminal and input the username and password for login the docker-hub CLI as the below image shows,

Next run the below command to push the docker image in to DockerHub

docker push akshaykrisondevops/node-ec2:latest

Wait until the docker image is pushed, after successful of image push you can check the image is updated in the dockerhub and you can saw the pushed image in there

All set from your local Machine and Next we have to Start the Deployment in AWS EC2

Create an EC2 Instance and Deploy the Docker APP from DockerHub

Login the AWS console and Navigate to the EC2 Instance and Click on the Launch Instance

Choose the AWS Marketplace as shown below image

Search ecs in the search box and select the Amazon ECS-Optimised image as shown in the below image

Next you have to add the configuration details for your instance since am selecting the default configurations and click on the Add Storage option as like the below image shown

Next you have to add the storage you want here am go with 10GB of SSD storgae and Click on the Next button

Next we have to configure the security groups add Custom TCP and set the port rang as Your Application Port range, Since my application runs on Port 4000 i given the Port range as 4000 and Source is selected as Anywhere then Click on the Review and Launch also keep the pem file you have downloaded during the instance creation.

Wait Until the Instance Creation complete…

after the completion click on the Instance ID and you will Navigate to the Page below shows the 1. Indicate the IP of your server, 2. Indicate the connection details of the instance, Click on the Connect button

Then you will get a popup modal like the below image shown Copy the command 3 and Open a terminal where your pem is located and paste it

chmod 4000 docker-nodejs.pem

copy the command marked in red box in the above image and paste it in your terminal to open the SSH connection to the Server

When you successfully enter in to the server check the images are any available in that for that run the docker command [ You don’t have to Install Docker on this Instance Since the ECS comes inbuilt docker and its services ].

Next we have to Login the docker CLI with our Docker hub account. for that run the below command

docker login

Enter the Credentials to Login the docker CLI as like the below image shows

Next we have to pull the docker images by docker pull command and our image name in docker hub with the tag and click enter to pull the image from docker hub to AWS ECS

docker pull akshaykrisonzdevops/node-ec2:latest

Again check the images are available in the server by running, if the image name is showing as like the below image your image pull is successfully completed

docker images

Next we have to RUN this server for that run the below command inside the server

docker run -p 4000:4000 -d akshaykrisondevops/node-ec2

Once the run completed check the docker ps command to check the running is successful

docker ps

The Run you IP with Port in borswer to Load the website…



Akshay Krison
Akshay Krison

Written by Akshay Krison

DevOps Engineer / Solution Architect

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